Thanks for all the bday wishes!

Posted on 2024-04-26#Domination #Custom #Heel #Jobber #Erotic
This content is made available for free by RasslerMID.

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Hey guys!!! This is just a quick post to let you know that I'm really happy for all the messages I received for my bday! And since everyone was so nice! I'm releasing a video for free!!! My very first March with Guerrero de Jade is now free!
I don't deserve all the love you give me, and I'm happy you are always supporting me and making me feel so great!
From now on, guerrero is gonna be a regular on the rooster, so go and ask for custom matches with him, he's willing to make your fantasy match a perfect match!
I'm dropping the link to the match so you don't miss it!

We also have a Tumblr profile now if you want to give us a follow there!
Again, thank you so so much, you are the most amazing people I've met!
