
English: Ricardo Ruiz is drinking and playing a game with friends. He wins, but his friends accuse him of cheating. They want their money back but Ricardo refuses. He is held from behind and receives multiple punches into his stomach. By the end of the session, Ricardo's abdomen is red and bruised and the friends get their money back.

Español: Ricardo Ruiz está bebiendo y jugando con amigos. Gana, pero sus amigos lo acusan de hacer trampa. Quieren que les devuelvan el dinero pero Ricardo se niega. Lo sujetan por detrás y recibe múltiples golpes en el estómago. Al final de la sesión, el abdomen de Ricardo está rojo y magullado y los amigos recuperan su dinero.

Ricardo Ruiz - Cheater Punched in the Stomach

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Ricardo Ruiz - Cheater Punched in the Stomach

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