
English: Muscled nerd, Marcus Harris, comes home from the library and begins to training with push-ups. Two bullies enter his apartment and they decide to test his physique. Marcus' arms are held from behind and his muscled abdominals. He receives medium punches to more intense punches to his solid muscled stomach until he collapses with bruised abs.

Español: El nerd musculoso, Marcus Harris, llega a casa de la biblioteca y comienza a entrenar con flexiones. Dos matones entran en su apartamento y deciden poner a prueba su físico. Los brazos de Marcus se sostienen desde atrás y sus musculosos abdominales. Recibe golpes desde medianos hasta golpes más intensos en su sólido y musculoso estómago hasta que colapsa con sus abdominales magullados.

Muscle Nerd gets Gut Punched

#malegutpunching #2on1 #gut punch #abspunch #gutpunch

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Muscle Nerd gets Gut Punched

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