
BRAND NEW REC PRO ACTION FOR 2024! PVT Doom is raging that he is missing his chance to take on the PWN champ, but when Slater Jā€™s identical twin cousin shows up to challenge the nasty heel, Pvt Doom thinks he will have an easy win. Round One of this FACE/OFF the reigning heel learns to never underestimate a jobber in pink!

Leg Locks! IRON CLAW!

Slater J VS Pvt Doom (Round 1) BRAND NEW ACTION! 2024!

#Pro wrestling #hairy chest #rec pro wrestling #heel vs jobber #wrestling
Grayson Winger

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 8:13

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Slater J VS Pvt Doom (Round 1) BRAND NEW ACTION! 2024!

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