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Liam Chapter 1: Liam and Alex in the gym

Posted on 2024-02-10#ballbusting #domination #kicks #punishers
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NOTE: Liam and other characters are just fiction based on compilation of some real prototypes. We also Have interview section with real busters.

Meet Liam!
Liam appears to have a violent and aggressive personality, with a particular interest in martial arts and fighting. He takes pleasure in inflicting pain on others, specifically targeting their groin area, which suggests sadistic tendencies. This behavior may be indicative of deeper psychological issues, such as a lack of empathy or a need for control and dominance.

In this chapter: Liam has come to the gym to train and spar with other fighters. He is looking for a sparring partner and sees a younger, less experienced fighter who he believes he can easily dominate. Liam wants to assert his dominance and prove his superiority over this fighter by delivering a brutal punch or kick to his groin.

Liam walked into the gym, his body lean and chiseled, with the rugged good looks of Conor McGregor. His face was angular and strong, with a sharp jawline and piercing blue eyes that glinted with a hint of danger. His hair was styled in a short, spiky cut that accentuated his strong cheekbones and defined chin.
As Liam walked closer, his tight-fitting tank top revealed his broad chest and rippling abs, which were sculpted from years of rigorous training. His arms were muscular and sinewy, with biceps that bulged as he flexed them. His hands were encased in a pair of red boxing gloves, which seemed to amplify the power and force behind his punches.
Liam's legs were equally muscular and powerful, with defined quads and chiseled calves that rippled with every step he took. His black shorts hugged his sculpted thighs, showcasing the hard work and dedication he had put into his training. His feet were shod in a pair of sleek, black boxing shoes, which added to his already impressive height and stature.
In summary, Liam was a physical specimen, with a body that was honed and perfected through years of training and discipline. He exuded an air of confidence and power that was impossible to ignore, and his presence alone was enough to strike fear into the hearts of his opponents.
The gym was empty, except for one young man who was doing some weightlifting exercises near the corner. It was Alex. As Liam approached Alex, he took note of the young man's physique. Alex was in good shape, but he lacked the defined muscles and hardened look of someone who had spent years honing their body for combat. Liam's eyes lingered on Alex's chest, arms, and legs, noting the slight bulges and lines that indicated he was starting to build some muscle.
Liam's mind raced as he approached the younger man. He was always on the lookout for new victims to test his skills on, and Alex looked like the perfect target. He could already imagine the look of pain and fear in the younger man's eyes as he delivered a devastating blow to his groin.
As Liam drew closer, he noticed Alex's eyes widen in surprise and a hint of fear as he approached. He could see the young man's chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath.
In Liam's mind, he had already formulated a plan. He would start off with some light sparring to gauge Alex's skill level, then move in for the destroy. He could already feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, fueling his desire to dominate and conquer.
As for Alex's body, he was a bit shorter than Liam, with a lean, muscular build that was still developing. His chest was toned and defined, and his arms were strong and wiry. His legs were equally toned, with calves that bulged as he shifted his weight nervously from one foot to the other.
Liam could sense that Alex was inexperienced in fighting, and that only fueled his desire to dominate and humiliate him. He could already feel his blood boiling with excitement and anticipation as he prepared to strike.
Liam walked over to him, sizing him up.
"Hey there," Liam said, grinning at the young man. "What brings you here?"
Alex looked up, surprised to see someone else in the gym. "Oh, hey," he replied, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "I come here to work out and get in shape. What about you?"
Liam chuckled, flexing his biceps as he answered. "Same as you, I guess. I like to keep my body in shape, you know?"
Alex nodded, eyeing Liam warily. He couldn't help but notice the other man's intimidating presence and the way his muscles bulged beneath his tank top.
"Are you a fighter?" Alex asked tentatively.
Liam's eyes lit up at the question. "Yeah, I am. I love to fight. MMA, boxing, you name it. What about you? Have you ever fought before?"
Alex shook his head, feeling a pang of nervousness in his stomach. He had never been in a real fight before, and the idea of sparring with someone as intense as Liam made him uneasy.
Liam sensed Alex's hesitation and grinned, sensing an opportunity. He stepped forward, invading Alex's personal space. "Why don't we spar a little? I can teach you some moves, help you get in shape."
Alex hesitated, but the idea of learning some new skills was too tempting to resist. He nodded hesitantly, stepping back to give them some space.
Liam wasted no time, throwing a quick jab at Alex's chest. The younger man barely had time to react, stumbling back a step. Liam could see the fear in his eyes, and he felt a rush of excitement at the thought of dominating this younger, less experienced fighter.
For the next few minutes, they circled each other, throwing light jabs and hooks. Liam could feel Alex's lack of experience in his every move, and he took advantage of it, landing a few blows to his chest and stomach.
As they fought, Liam couldn't help but notice the younger man's physique in more detail. His chest was toned and defined, with small nipples that were starting to harden from the exertion. His arms were strong and wiry, with veins bulging beneath the skin. Liam could see the sweat glistening on his skin, highlighting every muscle and curve.
The fight continued for a few more minutes, until Liam saw his opportunity. He feinted with a jab to the chest, then moved in for the destruction, delivering a swift kick to Alex's groin.
The younger man doubled over in pain, clutching at his crotch. Liam could see the tears welling up in his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of having dominated yet another victim.
Liam walked over to Alex, he was now lying on the ground, groaning in pain. He towered over the younger man, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Looks like you're not as tough as you thought," Liam taunted. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before messing with me."

Alex struggled to catch his breath, trying to make sense of what had just happened. "Why...why did you do that?" he gasped, his voice strained.

"Why not?" Liam shrugged. "I enjoy it. And you, my friend, were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Alex tried to push himself up, but his body was still wracked with pain. "You're sick," he spat, glaring up at Liam.

Liam's grin widened. "Maybe. But at least I'm not the one lying on the ground in agony."

As he turned to leave the gym, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the power he had over others. It was like a drug to him, and he knew he would never be able to give it up.
Liam turned to leave the gym, but then he stopped and turned his head back to Alex.

"Listen to me carefully, boy," Liam growled. "This won't be the last time you see me. We'll meet again, and you'll do it again. And if you don't want to, you'll have some serious problems. Do you understand me?"

Alex nodded, still clutching at his groin in pain.

"I said, do you understand me?" Liam repeated, his voice rising in anger.

"Yes, yes," Alex said, fear creeping into his voice.

"Good," Liam said, smirking. "And if you even think about calling the police, it'll be worse for you. You don't want to mess with me, boy."

With that, Liam turned and left the gym, leaving Alex alone with his pain and fear.
