Suggestions for better video navigation

ginobear1234 (deleted member)

2022-05-27 05:42

I think this site would do well to add tags to videos that you can then search by. For instance, have a tag for nudity, ball grabbing, competitive, pro, submission, wedgie, humiliation, etc. Videos sometimes don't just fit into the narrow categories that you currently allow us to search using.

Also, screenshots should be autogenerated and automatically posted with every uploaded video. Some of these videos post a 12 second clip from a 12 minute video and that's supposed to be a good representation of what the rest of the video is going to be like? I don't think so. I appreciate the creators who do add screenshots of the videos, because it feels like the other people are being purposely vague about the content of their videos.

At the very least, I think creators should be required to write descriptions of what happens in the videos. I'm not purchasing a video and going in blind.

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